How To Delete and Recover ADT Video Clips

Surveillance cameras can be incredibly beneficial in protecting your home or business, and ADT cameras are among the best. They’re a fantastic option because they only record when they detect movement, making them efficient when it comes to storage.

Moreover, ADT cameras allow users to choose where to store their ADT footage, offering a reliable cloud service with an intuitive interface and ease of use.

However, ADT cameras only store footage for a certain amount of time. You’ll sometimes need to manually save specific and important files or delete ADT clips you don’t want, taking up valuable space.

Can I Delete ADT Clips?

Although ADT clips only last up to 30 days in the cloud, or anywhere between 24 hours and seven days if stored locally, you can delete the unwanted clips yourself. Namely, you can either do it manually if you’re storing files locally, or you can do it through the app or the web portal if you’re keeping it in the cloud.

Can I Recover Deleted ADT Clips?

Whether you can recover deleted ADT clips depends on your storage type. If you have an ADT Pulse subscription and are storing ADT clips in the cloud, they’ll only last for 30 days, after which you can’t recover them.

On the other hand, if you’re storing ADT clips locally, including hard drives and SD cards, you can recover your deleted ADT clips in case you need them again.

You may also be interested in: how to recover deleted Arlo videos.

Do ADT Cameras Save Footage?

ADT cameras save recordings in two ways. You’re either using an ADT Pulse account and storing files in the cloud – which you can easily access through a phone, tablet, or PC – or you’re storing ADT clips locally.

Local storage involves using a Micro SD card or a hard drive and setting up your cameras to keep up to seven days of recordings, but that will depend on various factors.

How Long ADT Cameras Store Footage

Your ADT cameras will store recordings for various time lengths, depending on the model of the cameras you’re using and the storage space you have left. Moreover, it’ll depend on whether you’re storing footage locally, on a hard drive or MicroSD card, or in the cloud.

However, they usually store footage for around 24 hours, at which point old footage gets deleted to make space for new footage, but some ADT cameras can store recordings for up to seven days. Of course, you can manually delete ADT clips, too.

How To Delete ADT Video Clips via the ADT App

One of the ways to delete ADT clips is through the MyADT app, which works on smartphones and tablets. Here’s how to delete video clips on the ADT app:

  • Step 1: Download the MyADT app on your smart device and log into your Pulse account.
  • Step 2: Select Cameras and Doorbells and find the camera from which you want to delete the footage.
  • Step 3: Find the recorded ADT clip you wish to delete.
delete all videos on adt app
  • Step 4: Hit the Trashcan icon to delete the video.

How To Delete Video Clips on ADT Web Portal

If you find reviewing and deleting unnecessary footage on the PC easier, you can do so with ADT’s web portal. Here’s how to delete videos on ADT’s control panel:

  • Step 1: Go to the ADT portal and log in to your Pulse account.
  • Step 2: Select Video on the left side and then select Saved Video Clips at the top.
deleting clips through the web interface
  • Step 3: Choose the video to delete and hit the Trashcan icon to remove it.

How To Recover Deleted ADT Clips

If you’ve accidentally deleted ADT clips and want to recover them, there’s an excellent third-party app that can help you quickly recover deleted ADT clips. That app is Wondershare Recoverit, and it works with over 2,000 storage devices and supports more than 1000 file formats.

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Wondershare Recoverit - Your Safe and Reliable Video Recovery Software

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Recover all of your videos from storage devices empty due to various reasons like malware attacks, corruption, accidental deletes, damage, etc.

Restore data from all kinds of storage drives like digital cameras, security cameras, drones, USB drives, SD cards, SSDs, HDDs, etc.

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Preview the files before recovery. No payment is required if the files are unrecoverable.

It’s excellent at retrieving data lost due to accidental deletion, SD card formatting, device damage, sudden power losses, corrupted files, and more. ADT clip recovery is fast and easy thanks to Wondershare Recoverit’s Enhanced Recovery feature, which can quickly get your files back.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Step 1: Remove ADT storage media and connect it to a PC with Wondershare Recoverit.
  • Step 2: Launch the Recoverit app and select Enhanced Recovery.
wondershare recoverit enhanced recovery
  • Step 3: Select the storage media to recover deleted ADT clips.
select adt video storage location
  • Step 4: Select the video formats of your ADT recordings for deep scan and hit Start. Recoverit will simultaneously initiate a quick and deep scan for locating lost files.
select adt video format for deep scan
  • Step 5: The scanned files will be displayed on the screen. You can preview and recover found files, even before the scan completes.
preview the adt video clips
  • Step 6: Select the ADT video clips you want to recover and hit the Recover button to save them to a safe location.
recover deleted adt clips
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You may also be interested in: Dahua DVR data recovery software.


ADT systems and cameras are an excellent way of protecting your home or business. Their motion-tracking cameras can ward off unwanted visitors and keep your property safe.

However, local ADT video footage that might be important constantly gets overwritten, and the cloud footage only lasts up to 30 days, making these cameras less than ideal.

Fortunately, you can at least recover deleted local ADT clips with Wondershare’s Recoverit and its incredible Enhanced Recovery feature, which makes restoring any deleted file incredibly quick and easy.

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