How to Fix No Sound on Video Android?

This article will explain the reasons with respective solutions which will effectively work in restoring the volume.

Smart devices running on Android OS often encounter some unidentified errors that cause no sound videos, and as a result, we are unable to hear the volume. There can be a couple of reasons that are originating this error, such as improper codecs, outdated versions of the operating system, or some software issues.

Before working on the solution, it’s important to recognize the root cause of the error. This article will surely help you out by stating reasons and fixes respectively. These fixes will contain basic steps that would be easy to perform, so carefully read all the instructions given below.



Reason 1: Temporary Files

Fix 1: Reboot Your Device

Reason 2: Silent Mode

Fix 2: Disable “Do Not Disturb” Mode

Reason 3: Connection with Wireless Speakers

Fix 3: Detach Bluetooth Speakers

Reason 4: Old Android Version

Fix 4: Update to the New Version

Reason 5: Inappropriate Video Player

Fix 5: Install Another Video Player

Reason 6: Dust in Speaker Vents

Fix 6: Take Care of Speaker Vents

Reason 7: Corrupted Video File

Fix 7: Repair Your Video Files

Reason 1: Temporary Files

Temporary files running in our operating system save temporary information and data in RAM. However, these files slow down the performance of Android OS, and thus it generates implications on the functionality of the device. As a result, slow performance of RAM can cause sound not working error on the Android device.

Fix 1: Reboot Your Device

Whenever you feel a slower performance of the device, try to restart your phone. Rebooting the device can erase the temporary files running in the OS and can clear your RAM. Through restarting your Android phone, the power cuts off, and you can function the device from a fresh start. Below are the instructions to reboot your Android device:

Step 1: On the right side of your Android phone, you will find a power button. Press and hold that button for at least 20 seconds.

Step 2: After some seconds, you will be able to see a power menu on the screen. Tap on the "Reboot" button, and your phone will be turned off. After a few seconds, your phone will be turned on automatically.

reboot your android device

Reason 2: Silent Mode

Android phones come up with the feature of silent mode such as “Do Not Disturb," which mutes all the upcoming notifications and alerts. This feature mutes all of the visual and audio disturbance, including the volume. So if you are facing no sound videos, maybe your device is on silent mode.

Fix 2: Disable “Do not disturb” Mode

There are two methods to disable the "Do not disturb" mode on Android. The first way is to Swipe Down the phone's notification bar from your finger. Then tap on the toggle of "Do not disturb" to turn it off. For the second method, the steps are:

Step 1: Find the “Settings” of your Android phone. Open its menu and tap on “Sounds and Vibration” after scrolling down.

tap on sound and vibration option

Step 2: On this menu, you will find the option of "Do Not Disturb." Disable the mode by tapping on its toggle.

disable do not disturb mode

Reason 3: Connection with Wireless Speakers

Another reason for no sound videos is a connection with wireless speakers. When your Android device gets connected with Bluetooth or any wireless headset, you won’t be able to hear the volume of your phone. Always make sure to disconnect every wireless speaker if you are encountering no sound videos.

Fix 3: Detach Bluetooth Speakers

Many people enjoy listening to music through Bluetooth speakers. However, if your device is connected with any Bluetooth speaker without your knowledge, you won’t be able to hear the sound of videos on your phone. To disable Bluetooth speakers from your phone, here are some basic steps:

Step 1: Go to the “Settings” of your Android device. Select “Bluetooth” from the displayed options and open its menu.

access bluetooth

Step 2: On the Bluetooth menu, carefully check whether any wireless speaker is connected to your phone. If you find any connected Bluetooth speakers, disconnect them and then check if the sound issue got resolved or not.

confirm bluetooth not connected

Reason 4: Old Android Version

With every upgraded OS version, your phone requires to meet new technical standards. Functioning your phone on the old phone will cause bugs, and eventually, the performance of the OS will slow down. Therefore, if you come across no sound on video Android, then you need to update to its latest version. The latest versions of Android can fix these bugs, and your OS will function efficiently.

Fix 4: Update to the New Version

To update your system software, follow the given instructions below:

Step 1: Find the “Settings” of your phone and scroll down below. Tap on the “About Phone” option to check the version.

open about phone

Step 2: In the "About Phone" menu, you can check all the important details of your phone. You would also find the "Version" option, where you can check any pending updates. You can also check any pending updates by going to the "Systems and Updates" in the settings. There click on "Software Update" for upgrading the OS to the latest version.

tap on version to check updates

Reason 5: Inappropriate Video Player

Video players are used for streaming videos smoothly. They use codecs for encoding and decoding the signal to play digital media files. Your video player cannot work if it’s using an improper codec. Therefore, if the sound is not working in the video you played, it’s time to use another video player.

Fix 5: Install Another Video Player

There are numerous video players available to stream videos on your Android device. There are numerous media players available such as VLC media player, FX player, MX player, and BS player. Install a video player that will go compatible with your device. To download any media player on your Android phone, the steps are:

Step 1: On your Android device, go to the Play Store and type the name of the media player you want to install.

open play store

Step 2: Click on the "Install" option adjacent to the media player's name. Once the installation is finished, check if the sound, not working issue got resolved or not.

tap on install button

Reason 6: Dust in Speaker Vents

When we use our smartphones for a longer time, dust accumulates in the speaker grills. This can impact the sound quality of the speakers of your phone, and thus you can come across no sound videos.

Fix 6: Take Care of Speaker Vents

There are multiple ways to clean your speaker grills. You can blow air into the speakers through your mouth, or you can utilize a vacuum cleaner to extract small dust particles. Also, you can use an old toothbrush.

clean android speakers

Reason 7: Corrupted Video File

If none of the above-mentioned methods works, then it can be possible that your video file is damaged or corrupted. This corruption can be caused by a virus attack or an incomplete download.

Fix 7: Repair your Video Files

No sound on video in Android phones can arise due to a damaged or corrupted file. To repair your corrupted video files, use a reliable tool like Wondershare Recoverit that guarantees 100% results. Through using Recoverit- Video Repair, you can tackle complex issues with the help of two repair modes: Quick Repair and Advanced Repair. You can use these two modes depending upon the severity of your issue. Also, this tool has provided tutorials to repair videos for non-technical people, which makes it user-friendly. You can download Recoverit from the button below.

Distinct Features of Recoverit- Video Repair

The key features of Recoverit- Video Repair are:

  • To save your time and energy, you can repair numerous corrupted videos at a time using its feature of batch video repair.
  • It is compatible with many formats such as MOV, MTS, MKV, and also external devices like digital cameras, SD cards, and drones.
  • Without spending any penny, you can scan your corrupted file and can preview it before saving it to your device.
  • The tool has a user-friendly interface as it displays all the technical factors like video formation formats and frame rates.

How to Repair Corrupted Videos?

To repair corrupted video on your phone, connect your Android device to the computer using the cable and then perform these steps:

Step 1: Select Corrupted Video Repair

Launch Recoverit on your computer and click on the button “Corrupted Video Repair” given on the left side of the panel.

access corrupted video repair option

Step 2: Browse your Videos

As your Android phone is connected to your computer, tap on the “Add Video” button to browse your videos. Select the location where your damaged video is placed and start loading it to the program. Now tap on “Repair” to initiate the process.

tap on repair button

Step 3: Preview your Progress

The “Corrupted Video Repair” feature will detect the issues and will take some time to resolve them. Meanwhile, you can check the ongoing progress on your screen. Once the repairing process is done, click on the “Preview” button to evaluate the result.

preview repaired video


No sound videos on Android devices can be originated for many reasons like outdated software versions, improper video players, and corrupted video files. These reasons are clearly stated in this article, along with their respective solutions. To avoid such inconveniences, make sure to prevent your devices from these errors. Moreover, to repair damaged files, we also shared an excellent video repair tool that can work efficiently in every scenario.

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