30 Quote Wallpapers for iPhone 6s/6/5s/5

Wondershare Recoverit Authors

Jun 29, 2023 • Filed to: Photo/Video/Audio Solutions • Proven solutions

Quotes are a great way to keep yourself motivated or even just to remember where you've been and where you're going. One great way to keep your favorite quotes with you all the time is to have them as your iPhone wallpaper. The following are just of the best quote wallpapers we have been able to find. Just be sure to download the right size for your particular iPhone model.

  1. You are a Ghost

This wallpaper describes exactly who you are and why you shouldn't fear anything. The picture of the earth is a cool addition to it.

wallpaper for iPhone 01

  1. You Don't

This one is a little bit ominous. But if you think about it its kind of good advice; helps you get ready for the next 500 miles.

wallpaper for iPhone 02

  1. A day without you

Here's a simply heart-felt message that your significant other should read. It could also be a message you send to yourself.

wallpaper for iPhone 03

  1. Money

This is another slightly ominous one. The photo of Bob Marley is a bonus that brings this quote back to its source.

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  1. I'm the one

Do you love yourself completely? This is the wallpaper that will demonstrate that to yourself and others.

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  1. I'm Alone

This wallpaper is a declaration of a mood. There are times when you just feel alone and this would be the best image to convey that.

wallpaper for iPhone 06

  1. I am a Limited Edition

If you ever need the motivation to value this moment, this wallpaper will help you remember that you only get one life and one chance.

wallpaper for iPhone 07

  1. Impossible is Nothing

This wonderful play on words lets you know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You just have to start.

wallpaper for iPhone 08

  1. Words

All of the words on this wallpaper clearly describe you at one time or another. It may not be now, but you have felt that way once.

wallpaper for iPhone 09

  1. Don't Fear Failure

Every great success begins with a small start. Here's a wallpaper that will help you overcome fear to start.

wallpaper for iPhone 10

  1. Believe

Sometimes you need a little bit of motivation to keep believing in your dreams. Here's one quote that will keep your head in the clouds.

wallpaper for iPhone 11

  1. It Never Gets Easy

This is a complete motivational quote for just about anything. It reminds you that you can get better at what you do and achieve absolute success.

wallpaper for iPhone 12

  1. Dream

Here's another one that will keep you fully focused on your dreams. It helps if you want to keep your head in the clouds.

wallpaper for iPhone 13

  1. When it Rains

Going through a tough time? Here's a quote that will keep you focused when you come to those bumps on the road that we all meet.

wallpaper for iPhone 14

  1. I Did it

Pat yourself on the back with this amazing wallpaper. The image is well done and a logo we all recognize easily.

wallpaper for iPhone 15

  1. Remember

Keep yourself highly motivated with this amazing quote. It is also a great way to keep reminding yourself of the difference you make in our world.

wallpaper for iPhone 16

  1. Just Live

Here's a quote that will remind you of just what you were put here to do; live your life to the fullest.

wallpaper for iPhone 17

  1. Born to Be

Not only will this quote put a smile on your face every time you see it, but it will also work to add to your self-worth.

wallpaper for iPhone 18

  1. Keep Calm

This one is just great advice to get you through those moments when you think your anger will take over. Losing it never helps, calm precedes success.

wallpaper for iPhone 19

  1. It's a Good Day

Here's a quote that will enhance your good mood if you are having a good day. It will also quite easily put a smile on your face.

wallpaper for iPhone 20

  1. Love Cannot Be Bought

This quote is very true. The added effect of the bar-code makes all the more interesting to look at and brings the message home.

wallpaper for iPhone 21

  1. Love Life

This is an inspirational quote that is created by some of the feelings whether good or bad we experience in our daily lives.

wallpaper for iPhone 22

  1. Love isn't about

Here's a great image that will remind you of your reason for living. Keep the ones you love close; they provide breathtaking moments.

wallpaper for iPhone 23

  1. Everything Happens"¦

Here's a cliché that is still very good advice if you think about it. The image itself is also quite beautiful.

wallpaper for iPhone 24

  1. I can and I will"¦

Need that extra boost to get where you want to be? Here's an inspirational wallpaper that will get you there one step at a time.

wallpaper for iPhone 25

  1. Pursue your Dreams

Let Walt Disney inspire you to overcome your fear of success and reach greater heights every time you read this quote on your iPhone.


wallpaper for iPhone 26

  1. Seeing with New Eyes

Here's philosophical wallpaper for your iPhone that will invoke deeper thinking in all who read it. It is true.


wallpaper for iPhone 27

  1. Time is coin

Remind yourself to spend your time wisely with this wallpaper. Time wasted can never be regained. This wallpaper expounds on that cliché.


wallpaper for iPhone 28

  1. Don't let them slow you down

Thema Davis reminds you that some people are threatened by your success. By listening to their rhetoric, you slow yourself down further.


wallpaper for iPhone 29


  1. Don't Live in the past

Here's a cute little quote that reminds you to let bygones be bygones and live in the present. You can only affect what happens in the present.


wallpaper for iPhone 30

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David Darlington

staff Editor

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